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luni, 18 noiembrie 2013


My name is Cristian Romulus Irinoiu. I was born on December 16th 1968 in Timisoara, Romania and I have fought against the socialist doctrine and it's communist regime ever since December 1989, when I have seen people killed beside me by a doctrine that, seems to me, it is trying to take over the world again... This is my story. Translation on the right bar of the blog. 

Over the past twentyfour years, almost without notice Romania was a silent battlefield and still is today. The Romanian people are fighting for their own survival... Not only that the communists did not go away in 1989, they are very well thank you, and they produced prodigies or disciples to continue undermining the Romanian state while abroad they would picture the Romanians as an undeveloped nation, with no morals, implying that the Romanians are gypsies as a decoy, which is not even CLOSE to the truth...

Everywhere in the world the socialists are using the same weapons trying to kill the democracy. Using the minorities and the "politically correct" against the majority, allowing immigration from countries where the anti-western democracy is highly targeted by the bolshevik like propaganda, such as the muslim world or Africa, people who would vote for their benefactors, and who would change the odds in favours of the socialists. But make no mistake! When the time comes, the socialists will seize TOTAL power and then the DICTATORSHIP beggins! A reign of terror that the western civilisation is not used to and does not know how to fight it, so it will be taken by surprise, and that surprise can be so big that might put a whole nation in shock, and paralise any attempt of fighting back...

As an eyewitness to the bloody events that occured in Romania in that December of 1989, I started and never stopped gathering evidence about those who, since then, either continued the socialist line or embraced the ideology in Romania. The actual communists never went away from power in 1989. Not from Romania and definitely not from the Eastern block, In fact today it looks more likely that the Soviets pulled back strategically, leaving behind whole networks of  people loyal to them. Those people, like in Romania, are in high pollitical ranks, not only in their own countries but in the European Parliament, NATO, so on and so forth... 

In Romania for example, there was just a violent change: the young socialist wolfs against the old ones. The Romanian people are paying even today because of what Iliescu Ion and his henchmen did over the last 24 years. They are all in the USL have a strong grip on the economy, own more than 70% of the significant media in Romania. They need to pay for what they did according to the law. They are all in the USL (Socialist Liberal Union) and they are trying to bring Romania back on it's knees after Mr President Traian Basescu final managed to achieve one of the most important goals: the independence of the Justice. Since they are either convicted fellons either under investigation or suspected to be involved in crimes, their goal is to protect themselves. 

All the bruhaha coming from people who don't really know who they are dealing with or know but have their own petty personal interests is to be disregarded therefore...I have gathered evidence thorugh the years and major political figures of the USL (Socialist Liberal Union, which consists of three parties: PSD, PNL and PC) are involved, convicted or suspected in major crimes and murder even. here is the list with a link to my personal blog for each and every character. This is only the tip of the iceberg though. You can translate simply, using the Google Translate on the right bar of the blog. So here we go. 

PS: Only an idiot could think that with 70% in the Parliament and a government in power, with Victor "copy-paste" Ponta as a prime-minister, can't defeat ONE MAN! But what a man that is! Basescu is the best politician that Romania ever had since 1944. Those who defend the USL present the symptoms that a former KGB high ranked officer presented in this video...

vineri, 1 noiembrie 2013


Mi-a placut intotdeauna logica simpla. Si logica afirmatiilor din fotografia de mai sus este mai mult decat graitoare atunci cand vine vorba de nebunia lumii... Azi noapte Internetul a fost inundat de fotografii care mai de care... O intrecere in simbolistica intunericului. Si tuturor li se pare o mare si nevinovata distractie...

M-am uit cu mila amestecata cu dezaprobare la mandrele afisari ale prietenilor, cunoscutilor, mai putin cunoscutilor si total necunoscutilor... Cum sa ma mire tristetea lumii acesteia, cand atat de multi gasesc placere in ceea ce este mortaciune si putrefactie?!! Nu ma mir deloc! Si daca este sa ma mir de cate ceva, eu ma mir cand inca mai pot fi surprins, crezand ca le-am vazut pe toate...

Lasand deoparte credinta mea crestina, ca sa le retez pofta acelora care ar vrea sa sara ca arsi si sa il huleasca pe Dumnezeu inca odata, prin asta incercand sa ii protejez de ei insisi de fapt, eu unul, personal, cred in forta detaliului. Si cred ca toate lucrurile de care ne inconjuram duc la anumite tipare comportamentale. Pentru ca traim intr-un Univers guvernat de legea conservarii energiei... Si energia este de doua feluri...

De ce majoritatea alege sa se incarce negativ, nu inteleg,,, Intr-un fel asemanator, oamenii au o placere bolnava pentru stirile ce implica accidente, moarte, catastrofe, sange... Si se lipesc de televizorul care le serveste abundent aceste lucruri... Cum sa explic eu faptul ca, dupa aproape patru ani de completa izolare fata de televizor, am realizat ca aveam o adictie, si inca una grava, una care imi deteriora serios realitatea si ma cadorisea doar cu inhibitii nepotrivite spiritului uman?

La fel si cu Halloween-ul asta... O sarbatoare de import... O sarbatoare comerciala, inventata de catre societatea de consum... O sarbatoare a intunericului. O sarbatoare a mortii definitive. O sarbatoare a diavolului. Si, gadeam cu tristete cat efort se depune... Si cata cheltuiala... Toate acestea pentru a celebra ce?

Ca noi suntem tinichele umblatoare si nu intelegem imic din ceeace ni se intampla... Mi se pare insa infiorator sa nje ivatam si copiii sa fie la fel... Stiu ca prietenii mei si multi dintre cei care ma cunosc vor fi revoltati... Altii vor fi pasivi, sustinand ca ei au doua urechi, programate fiecare separat, una doar pentru intrare iar cealalta exclusiv pentru iesire... Nu am ce face... Trebuie sa ii iubesc pe toti... Dragostea este un act de vointa pentru mine. 

Desi am spus ca nu o voi face, trebuie sa reafirm inca odata faptul ca sunt crestin. Imi place sa caut lumina, iar nu intunericul. De ce ar face un om dotat cu ratiune acest lucru. este peste putinta mea de intelegere... Si o sa imi spuneti din nou ca exagerez si ca am umflat proportia semnificatiei unei petreceri nevinovate? Asa credeti? Atunci priviti cu atentie fotografiile facute azi noapte... Pana o sa intelegeti de ce va spun ca va sarbatoriti tristetea si nici macar nu ati realizat asta...