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vineri, 11 septembrie 2015


Weight: 151.7 Kilograms

Seems that everything is at a halt ever since 153 or 154 kilos. As I said I was warned that this could take some time. And this exactly the time when your mind is challenged. This is the time when you should be pushing it instead of thinking about quitting which I am most definitely not!

Naughty again yesterday. Skipped the gym and had food at an hour I was NOT supposed to in the evening. Some smoked salmon over a salad and fruit, but still...

I got to hold a new born baby in my arms yesterday. I was so nervous about it. They seem so fragile! And then I think that I was the same once. Look what I have turned into... That is a funny thought!

The more I think about the blood test results the more I feel like I was given a chance. And that chance is to be taken seriously. I  am only glad that the initial side effects are now just a bad memory which I'd rather forget.

Or maybe not. Maybe I should not forget so I could keep guard. And that might help other people who will try and go this way too. 

I can see the changes now. In the pictures. People who haven't seen me in months they tell me that too. It started being visible and that is yet another incentive.

Today is gonna be a fire day. Will do the gym as early as possible so I could fulfill all the tasks for the day. Oh! I totally forgot! No days of till Tuesday...

Waking up at 6:30 in the morning has been easier lately. Never thought I would be a morning person but I am slowly becoming one and strangely enough I am loving it.

Still bothers me when people are passing me by talking, while doing the same thing as I do... Can you imagine! Two Spanish ladies were RUNNING, and one of them just could not stop talking! How can you do that even? One has to breath! 

I was reminded again that we should be gentle to everyone though... People carry a lot of things in their inner selves... Life happens to all of us I guess... And being nice does not have any costs attached... 

Another day. Another beautiful day! I am alive. And so are you! Let's make the best of it! Cheers! God bless!

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