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luni, 31 martie 2014


Nu mai scriu demult nimic despre nimic. In unele zile nu am chef. In altele nu am inspiratie. Si apoi despre ce as mai scrie? Si de ce as mai face-o? Imi amintesc de presupusa vorba spusa de Mark Twain, aceea in care cu cat mai mult cunostea oamenii, cu atat mai mult isi iubea cainele...

Nu am un caine de iubit si nu pot iubi oamenii mai putin decat animalele. Dar pot intelege ce vroia Twain sa spuna. Chiar si atunci cand ii iubesti, iti vine cateodata sa dai cu ei de pamant. Uneori doar cu cate unul. Individual. Alteori cu toata omenirea. Depinde de situatie.

O sa imi atraga vreo amiba ateista acum atentia ca asta nu este un lucru crestinesc... Ca sa retez pofta bipedului in cauza de a face remarci nepotrivite si de a crea discutii inutile, prefer sa previn: pana si Cristos, cand a vazut ca templul fusese transformat in camera de comert "s-a intaratat in Duh" si a rasturnat mesele acelora care foloseau ideea de Dumnezeu pentru profit. Asa incat, eu, nefiind Cristos, ci doar un pacatos ordinar (si cand spun "ordinar" spun "de rand"), crud in ale credintei, copil in trairea crestina, desigur ca voi avea ceva de spus raspicat ceva mai des...

Insa adevarul nu place... Aproba cu totii, asta este adevarat. Dar adevarul nu place, chiar si atunci cand este aprobat cu zambetul pe buze. Adevarul curat este ca celor mai multi dintre noi le este FRICA de adevar. Le este frica. Daca adevarul ar stapani cu adevarat unora li se pare ca le-ar cadea coroana. Una pe care nu realizeaza ca nu au avut-o si nici nu au meritat-o vreodata. Pentru cei mai multi ADEVARUL a devenit o uraciune insuportabila...

Toti se vor astazi elite intelectuale. Nimeni nu mai vrea la coada sapii. Nu ai sa intalnesti spre exemplu in Romania nici unul care sa zica "sunt prost" si sa vorbeasca serios. Am intalnit acest lucru la alte natiuni si mi s-a parut extraordinar, pentru ca oamenii isi cunosteau locul intre ceilalti si aveau bunul simt sa nu pretinda ca sunt sau ca merita mai mult decat sunt si au, ba inca si recunosteau meritele altora!

Si atunci de ce sunt suparat? Sunt suparat pentru ca dupa ani de discutii si filosofat pe teme clare, cu dovezi clare sau circumstantiale, ii vad pe ai mei acasa cum sunt pe cale sa comita aceeasi greseala pe care au facut-o in 1990 si au repetat-o atat de des... 

Sunt suparat pentru ca acasa prostii se dau destepti si nu vor sa asculte cu nici un chip de nimeni ci vor sa fie cei ascultati. Sunt suparat pentru ca romanii inca nu au curajul de a fi barbati si femei in adevaratul sens al cuvantului si, in loc sa faca ceea ce trebuie, fac ce vor sau ce ii taie pe ei capul... Sunt suparat pentru ca acasa comunicarea a fost redusa doar la vorbe goale, menite a spoi gardul, fara substanta, si fara intentia de a pune vreodata in aplicare sensul pentru care au fost alaturate.

Sunt suparat pentru ca in Romania se vorbeste mult, se actioneaza putin si arareori corect sau cu efectele scontate. De eficienta nici nu vreau sa pun problema. Tinde spre zero mereu. Sunt suparat pentru ca romanii mei, pe care ii iubesc, isi irosesc neprecupetit energiile pentru lucruri care nu au mare importanta. Sunt suparat pentru ca romanul nu a perceput inca importanta si puterea interesului comun in defavoarea micimii distrugatoare a irelevantei si slabiciunii interesului personal.

Sunt suparat, pentru ca toate acestea sunt semne ale unui popor imatur si slab educat. Prost educat. Sunt semne ca anii comunismului sub Romania Socialista si anii comunistilor privatizati, de la 1989 incoace, au creat intr-adevar un om nou: un dobitoc biped, infumurat, care desi vede, este orb, desi aude, este surd, neputand a lua o decizie majora corect. Sunt suparat. Si sunt sigur ca nici asta nu o sa ajute la trezirea celor cu constiinta si constienta adormita sau ametita de zbaterea nu pentru traire ci pentru o amarata de supravietuire... Halal sa va fie. Sunt suparat. Ei si? Ce o sa faceti?!! NIMIC!!! NORMAL!!!

vineri, 14 martie 2014


Scria un parameci socialist, pe un site ce sustine nemernicia si parazitismul USL+PNL din Romania, urmare a faptului ca ceream MOARTEA SOCIALISMULUI, asa:

"Pappy, ce stii tu de socialism ???
Stiai ca pensia pe care o primesti e socialista. Ajutorul de somaj, alocatia, sunt socialiste? Toate masurile menite sa apere persoanele mai putin capabile, sunt socialiste ? Europa e socialista, stiai ? Asia la fel, America de sud la fel.
Moarte cui ??"

Il contrazic la partea cu Europa socialista. Adevarat, avem Spania, Franta, Portugalia alaturi de tarile Europei de Est ca socialiste. In rest, mormolocul rosu nu vrea sa recunoasca: Europa este sub ATACUL socialistilor! Si bipedul a uitat de Africa socialista...

Avem insa o problema... Socialismul nu a produs decat dictatura, genocid si mediocritate. Nu exista nici macar un sustintaor al socialismului care sa aibe calitati sau educatia necesara ca sa poata sa conduca pentru ca socialistul este un fel de taranoi care, chiar si atunci cand a fost la scoli inalte, ramane in sinea sa un mare complexat ce nu isi poate depasi conditia pentru ca materialismul dialectic i-a indus ca falsa idee ca trebuie sa creada doar in copulatie si ceea ce poate vedea.

Visarea, imaginatia si alte motoare care duc la progres ii sunt cu desavarsire straine socialistului. Socialistul este incapabil sa isi depaseasca propria mediocritate. Si a nu se uita ca de la doctrina li se trage! Marx si Engels, dimpreuna cu anarhistii au promoat dintotdeauna demolarea statului prin violenta.

Socialistul uraste dezvoltarea noastra naturala doctrinar si doreste doar reducerea individului la stadiul de executant obedient, membru al unei turme amorfe care nu crede decat in conducatorii sai. la fel p[recum un tanc mai crede in Mos Craciun si Iepurasul de Paste. Dar daca al tau conducator e un mediocru cum poate fi talpasul?!! De aceea socialismul este condamnat sa nu fie fezabil. Asa incat...


PS: cand vine vorba de progres cei multi nu inseamna nimic daca nu stiu sa ii urmeze pe acei putini, ELITELE care au capacitatea REALA de a face diferenta! Socialistii sunt un fas umflat artificial prin propaganda, o metoda studiata stiintific, cu efecte psihologice nefaste si de durata nu doar la nivelul indivizilor ci si la nivel de comunitati mari.

Moartea socialismului? Vine simplu, printr-o educatie corecta. De ce credeti ca Iliescu si gasca sa au distrus invatamantul?!! Cu cat esti mai putin educat cu atat esti mai usor de manevrat... Si iata un motiv pentru care socialistii au ucis intotdeauna ELITELE...

luni, 3 martie 2014


My name is Cristian Romulus Irinoiu. I was born on December 16th 1968 in Timisoara, Romania and I have fought against the socialist doctrine and it's communist regime ever since December 1989, when I have seen people killed beside me by a doctrine that, seems to me, it is trying to take over the world again... This is my story. Translation on the right bar of the blog. 

Over the past twentyfour years, almost without notice Romania was a silent battlefield and still is today. The Romanian people are fighting for their own survival... Not only that the communists did not go away in 1989, they are very well thank you, and they produced prodigies or disciples to continue undermining the Romanian state while abroad they would picture the Romanians as an undeveloped nation, with no morals, implying that the Romanians are gypsies as a decoy, whilst they teach their own in Russia that the Romanians have slavic origins and Romania was once part Russia, which is not even CLOSE to the truth...

Seeing the images from Kiev brought back memories. Me, and most of the people from my hometown, we had the same experience in 1989. People killed, just because they wanted the freedom of speech, the freedom of choosing their path as a nation and democracy. And as same as always, the socialists (or the communists how they were called in those days), used what they are trained to use: VIOLENCE and MURDER.

One should know that everywhere in the world the socialists are using the same weapons trying to kill the democracy. Using the minorities and the "politically correct" against the majority, allowing immigration from countries where the anti-western democracy is highly targeted by the bolshevik like propaganda, such as the muslim world or Africa, people who would vote for their benefactors, and who would change the odds in favours of the socialists.

But make no mistake! When the time comes, the socialists will seize TOTAL power and then the DICTATORSHIP beggins! A reign of terror that the western civilisation is not used to and does not know how to fight it, so it will be taken by surprise, and that surprise can be so big that might put a whole nation in shock, and paralise any attempt of fighting back...

As an eyewitness to the bloody events that occured in Romania in that December of 1989, I started (and never stopped) gathering evidence about those who, since then, either continued the socialist line or embraced the ideology in Romania.

The actual communists never went away from power in 1989. Not from Romania and definitely not from the Eastern block, In fact today it looks more likely that the Soviets pulled back strategically, leaving behind whole networks of  people loyal to them. Those people, like in Romania, are in high pollitical ranks, not only in their own countries but in the European Parliament, NATO, so on and so forth... 

In Romania for example, there was just a violent change: the young socialist wolfs against the old ones. The Romanian people are paying even today because of what Iliescu Ion and his henchmen did over the last 24 years. They are all in the USL have a strong grip on the economy, own more than 70% of the significant media in Romania. They need to pay for what they did according to the law. They are all in the USL (Socialist Liberal Union) and they are trying to bring Romania back on it's knees after Mr. President Traian Basescu finally managed to achieve one of the most important goals: the independence of the Justice. Since they are either convicted fellons either under investigation or suspected to be involved in crimes, their goal is to protect themselves. 

All the bruhaha coming from people who don't really know who they are dealing with or know but have their own petty personal interests is to be disregarded therefore... I have gathered evidence through the years and major political figures of the USL (Socialist Liberal Union, which consists of three parties: PSD, PNL and PC) are involved, convicted or suspected in major crimes and murder even.

But, in 2010, after I saw the ex-socialist/communist President of Romania, Ion Iliescu, first in line after Nicolae Ceausescu, saying that there is a PLAN for reviving the socialism over the next FIFTY YEARS, knowing that this guy, not even Romanian entirely, is tied up genetically to the Kremlin, I started looking a bit closer to what is really hapenning all over the world, I realised that the plan he was talking about is really in motion as you read those lines.

Strangely enough, if one would be curious to compare the situation in Romania with the situation in Ukraine (previous to the riots and violence) could not help but identify a pattern. And if there is a pattern, there must be a link. And the link is Putin's Kremlin, there is no doubt in my mind. Why? Some of the reasons are in the past. In history. And if we don't learn, the history will repeat itself!



Those who defend the SOCIALISM present the symptoms that a former KGB high ranked officer presented in this video... Since the mid '70s all the major western nations were targeted. You could see the results if you look at facts and compare one year to the previous.