M-am intrebat mereu de ce guvernele din intreaga lume au lasat jos stacheta pretentiilor in ceea ce priveste nivelul de educatie... Acum cateva zile am gasit raspunsul intr-o definitie a unui nou concept: INEPTOCRATIA...
Un sistem de guvernare în care cel mai putin capabili sa conduca sunt alesi de catre cei mai putin capabili sa produca, in care membrii societatii cel mai putin probabil capabili sa se sustina sau sa reuseasca sunt rasplatiti cu bunuri si servicii platite de catre bogatia confiscata de la un numar tot mai redus de producatori.
Conform acestei definitii exista o doctrina ce promoveaza si foloseste ineptocratia pentru a ajunge la guvernare: SOCIALISMUL.
I always wondered why governments around the world have let down the bar claims with regarding the quality level for education ... A few days ago I found the answer in the definition of a new concept: INEPTOCRACY...
A system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.
According to this definition there is a doctrine that promotes and uses ineptocracy to achieve political power: SOCIALISM.
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