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marți, 22 decembrie 2009


Pe 22 decembrie eram cu inima la Bucuresti. Si eu, si Timisoara si restul Romaniei. A aparut pentru prima oara omul pe care astazi il uram cel mai tare: Ion Iliescu. Il uram pentru ca este urat. La suflet. Inca nu stiam asta pe atunci. Priveam imaginile in care se declara libertatea noastra. Libertate care a durat doar cateva ceasuri...

Pentru ca Iliescu cere oamenilor sa iasa si sa apere punctele strategice, in frunte cu TVR. Dupa aceea a inceput macelul... Cam in acelasi timp am aflat ca a inceput sa se traga din dnou in Piata Operei. Si atunci mi-am pus instinctiv intrebarea: DE CE?

In Timisoara nu se mai trasese un foc de cand armata fraternizeze cu noi. Militia se retrasese, la fel ca si Securitatea in barloguri. Ceausescu fugise. Noi eram la 500 de kilometri departare de ceea ce devenise acum centrul evenimentelor. Asa ca tragerile de poligon din Piata Operei nu aveau sens. Si parca nici cele din Bucuresti.

Am inteles dupa ceva vreme ce s-a intamplat: atunci a fost pusa in miscare lovitura de stat prin care Iliescu si gasca ne-au pauperizat si ne-a transformat in slugile lor, pretinzand ca vor sa ne dea libertatea... Ei de fapt asa cum am vazut dupa aceea se pregateau sa ne ia totul... de aceea tatal lui Geoana i-a pus la dispozitie lui Iliescu planurile cu subteranele din Bucuresti. De acolo apareau si dispareau "teroristii" care i-au oferit lui Iliescu acoperire pentru executarea ilegala a lui Ceausescu, si pentru tot sangele scurs atunci.

Bucurestiul a platit cel mai scump pretul pentru ambitiile si dorintele lui Ion Iliescu si a ceea ce numim astazi PSD. Oamenii care au murit atunci sunt victimele nevinovate al ciumei rosii, care se perpetueaza in Romania. Si pana Ion Iliescu, alaturi de ceilalti care au folosit sange nevinovat pentru transfuzia de putere in folosul lor, si numai al lor, nu vor fi dusi in fata legii, liniste nu poate fi in Romania. NICIODATA!

6 comentarii:

  1. It is known that the Securitate had placed Tokes under heavy surveillance for a long time prior to this event because of his persistent criticism of the subservient hierarchy of the Reformed Church and of the Ceausescu regime’s violation of human rights. At the same time, given the Ceausescu regime’s tradition of snuffing out dissidence before it could gain a foothold among the population–Ceausescu reportedly was fond of counseling his subordinates to “avoid creating martyrs”–the regime’s failure to isolate or silence Tokes appears uncharacteristic. Moreover, the fact that demonstrators could gather to prevent his eviction without being immediately and brutally dispersed is also unexpected.
    Radu Ciobotea’s summary of the circumstances surrounding the outbreak of the Timisoara events captures the suspicions of many Romanians:
    The Securitate hurries slowly, makes noisy efforts…but doesn’t resolve anything. The situation is quite strange. In a totalitarian state with a top-notch information and counter-information service and a “case” which had been pursued not for months but for years, the chiefs of state security…don’t make a decision, thus allowing matters to proceed. Moreover, the intervention of these organs is–as we say–too noisy to camouflage other hidden projects.
    From May until December, a simple eviction from a residence–even if it was a parochial residence–cannot be fulfilled! A single man who had the “daring” to collaborate before all of Europe with the Hungarian mass-media (and not only with them) cannot be “neutralized”! We are looking at a dubious reality, especially when we are speaking of the activity and discretion of the Securitate.
    No real threat, no sickness, not even an accident, in the end, nothing, blocks the way of this person, who under the eyes of agents, becomes a personality and gives birth by way of an almost inexplicable stubbornness to a conflict which resonates in the social consciousness…of Romanians.
    Where? In Timisoara… “the Western city” close to the border full of tourists and foreign and Romanian students.
    When? During winter vacation when tens of thousands of young people would be on the move from their schools and university departments. When Ceausescu’s trip to Iran was certain. When–around the holidays–Romanians had nothing to put on their tables, nothing to heat their homes with, nothing with which to heal the old and young sick with pneumonia or rheumatism. When nothing was possible.
    Upon close scrutiny–with the exception of the date–everything was therefore predictable.
    In Romania, it was always known when somebody was arrested, but never that somebody will be arrested. However, in the case of Laszlo Tokes this is exactly what happened. The Securitate launched the rumor from the beginning of December that the pastor would be arrested on the sixteenth or seventeenth of that month. Public opinion was therefore carefully prepared.
    Regime forces opened fire against the protesters on the evening of 17 December because “in order to create and then maintain a state of revolutionary spirit, a brutal repression also must occur.” In other words, the Timisoara events, from the genesis of the protests, to the crackdown on demonstrators, were staged, part of an elaborate coup d’etat supported–and even masterminded–by the Securitate.
    Returning to the name of pastor Tokes, we must say that very few remember that in the months leading up to the events, [Tokes] was guarded day and night by the Securitate. Well, if he was guarded, then how did he wind up on Radio Budapest every week giving interviews? And how could the reporters who were taping his sermons or opinions smuggle the tapes out of the country? The Securitate, after all, was not made up of children! Don’t we witness in this case, a tacit accord of some men from the D.S.S. [i.e. the Securitate] with the very acts which they were supposed to stop?

    Best regards,
    Michael Baum

  2. @Michael Baum

    The events were not quite as you describe them. I suspect you are missinformed or maybe worse...

    The students were supposed to be in school at the time. And foreigners were always coming in and out of Timisoara. Especially from Serbia, Germany and Italy. Many romanians which were either german ethnics, or people that manage to escape over the border were coming to Romania for tha winter holidays.

    The Securitate`s style was to do things quietly. In Eastern Europe the communism was falling into pieces. Securitate and the Militia did their job. Almost a thousand were arrested in Timisoara in the first 2 days...

    The army was also unable to stop any of the protests. After the initial shock, Timisoara was under their control for one day. On the 18th of December. On the 19th the whole city was practically on the street again, in Operei Square. You can not fight against the rage of a whole city trust me.

    I was there. I have seen it all. You did not. You may speculate all you want. If anything, Securitate did what they did only in order to get more advantage. And so they did. They were not stupid indeed. They new something was going to happen. Russia gave a green light for that.

    We all knew about that. probably that's why we had the courage to do what we did. Certainly we did not believe that Ceausescu will have the guts to shoot at us. And after so many have died we all knew it was either us or them.

    They took charge of all the economy since 22 of December 1989. Most of the dead were killed AFTER Iliescu appeared on TV. That is strange, wouldn't you agree? Now the Securitate criminals with Iliescu as leader are posing as capitalists...

    Ain't that funny? Iliescu should be in jail not posing as a charismatic leader. He`s charisma is in his lying face. Nothing is going to be peaceful in Romania until those people will not pay for their crimes. And that is the honest to God truth.

  3. Thanks for the oppinions. I'm preparing a paper regarding totalitarian regimes in Eastern Europe at a US University in Utah, so any oppinion is of value.
    What you have to say regarding the large numbers of soviet tourists i've read about? Hundreds of cars with 3 or 4 tall men into them, Spetsnaz-type individuals, who entered into the country WITHOUT providing papers at the borders.
    Please understand that I have a deep respect for all the sacrifices of the people to oust Ceausescu's regime, but these facts are known in the western academic papers, well documented in the leaked documents prepared by US information community.
    It is not far-fetched to presume that a least a part of Securitate plotted along KGB and western secret services to topple the regime. At some point things got out of their control, people acted in unpredictible ways, and a genuine popular movement appeared. Soon after that, the plotters reacted, with the help of soviet GRU (spetsnaz) diversionists, experts in urban and psychological warfare, conceived the terrorist threat and thus eliminated all the genuine, popular, revolution-born movement and potential opposition.
    Can you care to comment on all this?
    It is just a work theory for my paper and please understand that while I deeply understand the personal drama and your involvement in all this, I live at thousands miles away from your country, emotions and people.
    Thank you,

  4. I must admit that I have a romanian born student here at the University and he was very helpful in translating all your posts. Even if you will not care to continue the debate, your involuntar help it is very appreciated. It is a set of oppinions virtually unknown in the western media, and without doubt will be a nice addition to my paper.
    I wish you luck in life and a great success with your musical project. (I got on this blog from reading english page of Pappy and FireEscape).

    Michael B.

  5. It is a well known fact that Iliescu plotted against the Ceausescu regime. He admitted that in on interview he gave a few days ago to John Simpson (BBC), when he said that he had some talks with 2 generals.

    Ceausescu was executed by 3 of Iliescu`s men: army general Victor Atanasie Stanculescu, ex-SRI (Romanian Intelligence Service) Virgil Magureanu and Gelu Voican-Voiculescu who was later to become an amabasador in Tunis (about him you will find strange facts, that we all know on Wikipedia)

    I am sure that they were expecting things to happen. The situation was going downhill for Ceausescu. Simply as that. Nothing was working in his favor.

    There was gossip that things were planned to start in Iasi, a town near to the Soviet border... If that is true, which I can not confirm, it is possible and logical for those people to adjust their plans accordingly.

    If anything, as I said they were prepared to take over when the right moment was to come. I have not seen any of the soviet tourists in cars... I have only heard of them.

    Those cars needed to be parked somewhere. I saw nothing unusual, and believe me it's unusual to see in Timisoara a russian registration plate... It was then as it is now...

    So I can not speculate on what I have not seen, or heard and I won`t speculate on that more then I did. One thing is certain: Securitate betrayed Ceausescu. Why? Because he fell to quick. Look at Saddam`s fall and for how long his men fought...

    The Securitate had all the privileges in the world, so one should ask WHY did Securitate betrayed? It simple to see if you know where and who they are today: THEY WANTED ALL!

    The only things I know for sure are those that I have seen and what I felt. And the feelling today as it was then is that until the 22 of December we had a massive protest. After the 22 we had something else: LIES...

    In those days (after the 22nd) Iliescu got by force the gift he wanted most: leadership of a country (Romania), and the Romanian Communist Party (PCR). Along with the price: 1000 dead...

  6. @Michael Baum
    I forgot to mention that during those days I met Casrolina Salguero, a photo-reporter from New York.

    I think she can share some of her experience to. You can google her name on the internet.

    Best regards.


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